Wood decks have become our distinctive outdoor living rooms that incorporate natures' beauty and add value to our homes. It's important to remember that a good maintenance routine should always include your deck and when the time comes, our inspection & repair services are here to help keep your deck protected and family safe.
The unique appearance and characteristics of wood decks make them perfect for creating magical outdoor living spaces. However, many people receive little to no information on how they can accurately care for decks.



Exposure to extreme changes in temperatures can take a toll on even a well-maintained deck and each deck project starts with a complete inspection. The more crucial factors in determining whether your deck is safe are not always outwardly visible.
Corrosion resistance is essential whether you choose to secure decking with nails, screws, or hidden fasteners. Even the seemingly innocuous plastic hidden fasteners such as eb-ty and lpe clips require the use of metal screws and, when these fasteners begin to rust, they progress quickly.
It's critical to look under your deck to ensure these fasteners, connectors, and joists are all in good shape. Lumber manufacturers have discontinued the old CCA (chromated-copper arsenate) wood-preservative treatment and replaced it with arsenic-free treatments such as CA (copper azole) and ACQ (alkaline copper quaternary).
Although these new compounds pose less of a health hazard, their high copper content (about six times more than CCA) leads to corrosion in fasteners made of brass, lead, mild steel, aluminum, or zinc. Unless there is a protective coating or a physical separation, these fasteners will deteriorate.
Most deck products such as sealers and paints are vastly misunderstood. While most deck service companies would lead you to believe that your deck needs to be sealed, in reality, this is false. Sealing your deck can lead to more problems than benefits. Products that claim to seal your deck are no more than coatings that will eventually wear off, peel or flake away. These coatings do nothing to rejuvenate and preserve your wood deck. Some of these coatings may even trap moisture in, creating a micro-environment where decay fungus can thrive eventually, rotting away your deck itself.
People now enjoy a greater variety of choices than ever before, with a wide range of deck stains available. We work with each customer to find just the right balance of visual appeal and protection to meet your deck requirements and needs.
The primary appeal of stain is the natural wood grain look it provides, and although the range of finish options is narrower than paint, there is still a wide selection of finishes available, from light to dark and warm to cool wood tones. While the lighter stains will show off more of the natural wood grain, the darker stains can hide imperfections. Darker stains can also hide the differences between old and newly replaced boards if you make any repairs.
Periodic maintenance is essential and will keep your deck looking great. Waiting too long between recoating a wood deck can weaken the UV protection leading to cracking, fading, and eventually causing unsightly mildew and rot. For best results, your deck should be inspected every season for rusty or damaged fasteners and depending on your deck's exposure, the need to reach out for our power washing service or recoating. Contact us to discuss a deck maintenance plan that best meets your needs.