If you've ever been a victim of leaky plumbing or burst pipe, you know all about the damage water can cause to your home or business. Our team of professionals at Nardone Painting arrives quickly with equipment designed to extract the water, dry the affected areas, dehumidify, disinfect, and remove any damaged furnishings, carpets, and floors, required to complete the job safely and efficiently.
Water or mold issues can become serious fast, and failure to act quickly can result in accumulated damage. Water damage can quickly become a complex project involving many stages, all requiring expert attention to detail. Our team can tackle any size water restoration project from a residential pipe leak to commercial multi-story office buildings, restaurants, and hotels. You can count on us to restore your property to its original condition quickly and professionally.

Mold exposure can occur when airborne mold cells or spores are inhaled. We breathe in these cells every day. Usually, these exposures do not present a health risk, but when exposure is great, some individuals, particularly those with allergies and asthma, can experience an illness that could be mild or serious or anywhere in between.
When relative humidity (a temperature-dependent measure of water vapor in the air) becomes elevated indoors, building materials and furnishings absorb the moisture. Those damp materials can then provide a good place for mold to grow. If there are no cold condensing surfaces and the relative humidity (RH) is maintained below 60 percent indoors, there will not be enough water in those materials for mold to grow. If the RH stays above 70 percent indoors for extended periods, mold will most certainly develop.
In the summer, air conditioning can act as a dehumidify within indoor spaces. But if the system is too large or too small for the room it serves, the cooling system can increase the humidity by cooling without removing water vapor. A properly sized and maintained system will dehumidify and cool a building without adding high levels of moisture.
When there are cold surfaces in a building, water vapor can condense on those surfaces, just as water condenses on a glass of ice water. Insulation of exterior walls can prevent condensation and mold growth during the winter. You should always be mindful of indoor sources of water vapor that can be problematic. Clothes dryers must be vented to the outdoors. Unvented gas or kerosene space heaters can generate enormous amounts of water vapor (and other air contaminants) and should be used sparingly and never as a primary heat source. Always run the bathroom exhaust fan when showering or bathing, making sure the vent is exhausted outdoors. A vented kitchen exhaust fan can also help to remove the steam created during cooking.

Learning difficulties or mental function problems
Runny nose
The sudden appearance of clear, watery, mucus from the nose
Discharge of thick, green slime from the nose (sinus cavities)
Itching of the nose, mouth, eyes, throat, skin, or any area
Coughing up blood
Difficulty breathing
Feeling lost or “disconnected” from what is happening
Redness of the whites of the eyes
Skin rashes
Open skin sores and lacerations
Chronic, excessive, or continued fatigue
Immune system suppression
Gastro-intestinal tract, heart, liver, kidney, and brain damage